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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Scream You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream

                                                       Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream
While most may think ice cream is a summer treat, the truth is ice cream is a timeless dessert.  Any time of the day, any time of the year, in any bowl; that is the way to eat ice cream.
Think different?
Well, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream has been around since 1928 and it has come a long way since its first batch of ice cream, Rocky Road.  It now has many flavors including Limited Edition Holiday flavors, making ice cream a winter treat.
These Holiday flavors include:
·       Peppermint
·       Eggnog
·       Apple Pie
·       Hot Cocoa
Now if you are one of those people who prefer a nice hot cup of hot chocolate when it is cold, but still have a passion for ice cream, Dreyer’s has made an ice cream for you.
The Hot Cocoa ice cream is smooth and creamy and taste just like a cup of hot cocoa, but just really cold hot cocoa.  The marshmallows in the ice cream are the perfect touch in making this chocolate ice cream into hot cocoa ice cream. 
“The best part is the marshmallows. The marshmallows are actually soft! In terms of both taste and texture, it is like they are fresh from a brand new bag! They are soft and fluffy enough that Mr. Staypufft himself might wonder how they did it,” posted on
If hot chocolate is not your choice for indulgence this holiday season, and you prefer to snuggle up with a glass of eggnog, well Dreyer’s once again has something just for you.
I have yet to indulge in Dreyer’s Eggnog ice cream, but you can be sure that it is on my to-do list.
However, Lizabeth on said that “This ice cream is superb! It has all of the classical taste of eggnog, including distinct but not overwhelming nutmeg and rum flavors. It's sweeter than just straight eggnog, but isn't as sweet as most vanillas.”
Ok so eggnog nor hot chocolate just are not your thing.  Well, there is always the refreshing flavor of peppermint and the comfort of apple pie.
Peppermint ice cream.  Weird? Yes.  First thought: it has to be disgusting.  But there is Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream and that is often a favorite.
Dreyer’s Peppermint ice cream is just as smooth and satisfying as a Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, but better.  The P in peppermint here stands for perfect, as in perfect for this holiday season.  Not only is it bright pink with red peppermint pieces, it is a perfect balance between mint and sweet. 
“During the holiday season you can find a Peppermint Crunch flavor that really puts you in the holiday mood,” said Amy Brantley on
Finally, there is Dreyer’s Apple Pie ice cream.  Again, this one is on my list to try.  But I imagine that it will not only be as pleasant as the other Holiday Limited Editions ice cream flavors by Dreyer’s, but that it will also be as satisfying as a warm piece of apple pie. 
“Apple Pie offers a smooth and creamy experience. The ice cream has a strong apple flavor and while some people might not like the slightly tart taste I found it to be a delicious change of pace compared the more traditional (and sweet) flavors, said Ken on Frozen Food Journal. 
Also, do not forget that these four flavors will only be available for a limited time, so hurry and get to the grocery store.
I scream (especially me), you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
And Happy Holidays, too!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Making a list of ten things I was thankful for took more effort than I had originally thought it would.  Some things I thought of were too obvious and vague, like I am thankful to be alive, and I am thankful for my family.  Others were too corny like I am thankful for material things like shoes. And others did not quite make sense without a long, long, long explanation. So, after some thought this is the list I came up with for the ten things I have been thankful for this last year:

1. I am thankful for being me
2. In this economy, I am thankful to have a job.
3. I am thankful to have the opportunity to have a higher education.
4. I am thankful for ice cream.
5. I am thankful for my car.
6. I am thankful for music.
7. I am thankful for my grandpa.
8. I am thankful for my mom.
9. I am thankful for holidays, such as Thanksgiving, not just because it brings families together, but because classes are canceled.
10. As cheesy as this may sound, I am thankful for my boyfriend.

These are in no particular order and some may seem a little ridiculous, such as being thankful for ice cream.  And so I will explain why I am thankful ice cream.

First, not only is it one of the most delicious foods in the world, it also plays a major role in my life.  Ice cream cheers me up when I am down.  It is a reason to spend time with a friend or family member.  To me ice cream just makes the world so much brighter.  On rainy days when I'm all down, because to me winter is the worst, a bowl of ice cream makes my world go round because it is a little piece of summer I can have all year.

Even more so, I'm thankful for ice cream because I can have it any way I like.  Perhaps if I tire of chocolate ice cream, there is always vanilla.  And perhaps if vanilla seems a little bland there is a million and one toppings to make it just the way I like.

Even though ice cream to me is the cherry on top practically every day, there is some in my life even more important and that I am even more thankful for.  He is my boyfriend, Robbie Ford.

While we have not been dating but a year, I feel like we have known each other for ever.  We are completely compatible and I enjoy spending every minute I possibly can with him.

He accepts me even with all my faults and reminds me everyday how wonderful I am, and how important I am to him.  I know that not everyone has been blesseed to have that special someone in thier life, and that some people spend a lifetime searching for them.  Therefore, I am forever grateful that I have found that special someone that I can spend my whole life with.

While there are times when we disagree, and argue about silly things, I still could not imagine my life without him.  He provides solidity, consistency, and happiness in my life.  And according him I apparently do the same for him. 

Life without love is not a way to live at all.  Even if you do not have that special someone in your life that makes life worth living, we all have family and friends that love us for who we are as well, and that makes life worth living too.

This year I am also thankful for family, but more specifically my mother.  In the past few years we have had our up and downs.  But fortunately this last year we have bonded more than ever, and have that mother and daughter relationship I have heard other people talk about. 

She has been very supportive of all my decisions this year, and i could thank her enough.  And to make my life a little sweeter, on top of all the ice cream I consume, she has helped me with things I do not like to make time for such as doing my laundry.  It is absolutely fantastic to come home not only to a hug, but to also have all your laundry washed and folded.  And sometimes I even get dinner too!

I could probably go on for pages about why I am thankful for the people and things I have in my life, but I think this is a good place to end, because I think it is more important to tell the people you love that you are thankful for them rather than writing about it.

Happy Thanksgiving <3  and Turkey Day too :P

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two Fat Ladies on One Ridiculous Show

It was Saturday night.  While my boyfriend was at work I was having dinner with his parents.  As we were finishing dinner they told me about the show they like to watch at 11pm on Saturday nights, Two Fat Ladies.  And so, as 11pm came 'round I watched it with them, and I can hardly put into words what I saw.

Starring Jennifer Paterson and Clarissa Dickson Wright, this British cooking show knocks socks off.  The show has little value itself unless you are searching to learn how to make a traditional British dish.  Otherwise this show is one you watch to make fun of and laugh at, and I sure did.

Between the British accents and dialect every word the two ladies say is incomprehensible.  Making of the way they talk is just one direction of many you can choose to go.

As you can see from the picture, ladies indeed they were.  Well, plump and wrinkly ladies that is.  They are not necessarily photogenic and this of course adds humor for the viewer watching the show. Furthermore, these ladies dress in the most ridiculous outfits, then again this was recorded in the late 1990's.  Maybe I should not judge them as much as I should the time period.

"They are simply spectacular. In this British television series, Jennifer Paterson and Clarissa Dickson Wright cook for lunch, cocktail party, afternoon tea, picnic, breakfast, or dinner and travel (by motorcycle and sidecar) to a different location in each episode to cook a requested meal--usually laden with cream, butter, and meats," said Jenny Brown in an review.

Also, the glasses  Jennifer Paterson wears are so ridiculous.  The two lens together are bigger than her whole face.  While watching the show I had trouble deciding whether or not to look at her or her glasses when she spoke. 

"If I had to describe the Two Fat Ladies cooking series in one word, that word would be addicting, said Carroll Pellegrinelli, 

I am not addicted to the show...yet.  But I do look forward to watching the reruns of the show on Food Network. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Crazy Things Woman Do....For Fashion

As I have done many times before, I put on my skinny jeans the other day.  This is was not an easy task.  I had to wiggle and shake and dance around just to get the pants up my legs.  I had to stretch and move around to get them semi-comfortable once I managed to get them buttoned.  I am sure to anyone it would be quite a seen.
As I was attempting to wear these so-called trendy and fashionable denim pants, I kept thinking to myself how ridiculous this was.  It then also occurred to me that there are many ridiculous things that not only I but that many women do every day to be fashionable and look good, because truth be told when you look good, you feel good.
“Millions of women, even those whose body shape matches the stereotype, agonize everyday about the way they look,” said Hazel Croft in Women on the Front Line.  Agonizing over body images is often the result of idolizing models in fashion magazines that are almost always much thinner than the average women and that are unhealthily thin. 
However, in attempt to reach the fashionable body image women can be found everywhere and anywhere finishing, starting, and even breaking a diet.  They can also be found in gyms or at home exercising off calories just to fit in those size 2 jeans they bought last week.  Being thin is just one part that women see as being fashionable. 
Whether thin or not, women think about and seek out fashion just as much as agonizing over their body image, and they have the closets to prove it.
Belinda Goldsmith wrote the article “Most Women Own 19 Pairs of Shoes—Some Secretly.”  15% of the women surveyed admitted to owning more than 30 pairs of shoes she said.  I will admit that I own 24 pairs, and counting.
Some of these shoes are high heels.  As painful as it is to walk around in 5” stilettos, women will still wear them proudly.  However, according to Dr. Ben Kim in “Say No to High Heels,” “women have approximately 4 times as many foot problems as men.” I suppose that is a little price to pay for looking good. 
Even more shocking then shoes is the amount of time women spend shopping for shoes and clothes. featured the article “Women Spend 8 Years of Their Life Shopping, and said that women spend about 399 hours and 46 minutes shopping in a year! 
For women fashion does not stop there.  Makeup and hair are the cherry on top to being fashionable. 
“According to a British survey conducted by Tresemme, the average woman spends a staggering $50,000 on her hair over a lifetime,” said Deborah Dunham on  Deborah also mentions that by the time women reach 65 they have spent over 7 months washing, blow-drying, curling, straightening, and styling their hair. 
As for makeup, “one survey found that the average time it takes a woman to put makeup is 52 minutes.  The average number of items owned is 86!” exclaimed Jacqueline C. from on 
With hair products that include volume cream, gel, detangler, and hairspray, and makeup items that include foundations, eye shadows, lip colors, and blushes, women take over bathrooms.  And with clothes, shoes, and accessories women are also taking over closets.  Do not try to stop them, or limit them, because the need to feel pretty starts with looking pretty, and compliments help too.
A man told his friend: “My wife only has two complaints: Nothing to wear, and not enough closet space.”

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jack's Just Okay

It was my first time dining at Jack’s Urban Eats Sunday night.  My experience did not blow me away; I thought Jack’s was merely just okay.  It is not some where I would recommend to grab a bite to eat, and this is why:

As a first time diner at Jack’s, walking in was very awkward.  There lacked signs about what to do and a greeting for the employees did not exist, and I stood in confusion for a few seconds while trying to figure out what to do.  In front of me there was a seating area, and slightly to my right, a counter of stainless steel.  After watching other customers I spotted the folded paper menus tucked into special pockets on the wall and realized you go to the counter to order. 
    The menu was basic; a tri-fold brochure featuring salads, sandwiches, sides, and drinks.  Also, on the menu it provided a list of Jack’s other locations.  What I noticed was that for any other sandwich place the menu would be posted on the wall, but here it seemed like they were selling themselves as a 5 star sandwich diner.  Unfortunately, it was not. 
                After giving the menu some thought, I thought I would play safe and go with a trusty club sandwich.  This sandwich was $7.75 and did not include French fries or anything else.  It was an additional $1.75 to add French fries and another $2.25 for a soft drink. 
                After I told the food preparers, wearing jeans and a Jack’s sweatshirts or T-shirts, my order I continued down the stainless steel counter to the register.  My total was a whopping $12.78, and at the time I was thinking “this better be worth it.”
I then took a seat in the dining area, which looked like a fancier version of the bench seating at a local subway.  With dim lighting, three rows of bench seats, and a condiment bar, Jack’s was everything but fancy.  Not to mention that the art on the walls did not quite mesh with the overall environment.  
                The painting that caught my attention was a bright pink tattoo-like painting right above the condiment bar (shown above).  It was very distracting. 
Only a few minutes later, my sandwich and fries were delivered by what I suppose you would call a waiter.   What I thought was going to be a large sandwich, since I did pay $7.75 for, was a small round sandwich cut in half.  Disappointment had began, still not a great impression especially after an awkward entrance. 
I started with the French fries.  As a fan of French fries I know what makes a good French fry and a bad one.  Finally as the potato hit my palette I was relieved in knowing that Jack’s finally impressed me.  Jack’s French fries were excellent; great texture, not too salty, not too oily, and as you bit into one it was the perfect balance between crunch and mash. 
Now it was time to conquer the sandwich, and one word wraps up this experience: Messy.  The little bun of bread was no match to hold in the 2 inches of ingredients in between.  Most of the goodies ended up on the plate and fingers rather than into my mouth.   The worst part was that the napkins were insufficient to clean up the mess.  It took me many, many napkins to clean my fingers. 
While Jack’s Urban Eats was not great, it was not terrible either.  I would not recommend to everyone, but I do think it would be a great place for a first date.  Its fancier than fast food and cheaper than a 4 or 5 star restaurant, making it a great combination for a date in the fact that if it ends up being a lame date you have not wasted that much money.  Also, if the date is great Jack's has the perfect enviroment to encourage long conversation and to hang out for awhile perhaps even with a beer or glass of wine to take the edge not only off the date but of Jack's flaws.   

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh My, what a Sugar High

The tradition of trick-or-treating for many children means bringing home a bucket, or in some cases a pillow case, full of free candy.   Halloween is one of many children’s favorite holiday not only because they get to dress up as what they really are, monsters, but because it means they get to have candy. 
Of course, for some parents Halloween is a nightmare.  Some parents spend too much time controlling how much candy their child eats in one day, and rips away part of what Halloween means.  This is not what Halloween is about.
Halloween is an annual holiday, meaning it only happens once within a year.  So why not let children engorge their little bellies with has many candies and sweets as possible? I say let them have it all (of course only after you picked out some of your own favorite pieces from the loot, you did walk them around the entire neighborhood after all). 
I am not saying hand over the bag of candy and all authority.  There are still some vital responsibilities that parents must enforce children to do daily.  But just because parents want what is best for their children, it does not have to mean taking everything away that is Halloween.   
Parents should still ensure that a good tooth brushing is taken place at least once a day.  Preferably twice since sugar can lead to cavities.  This can also be a great time to teach children about the importance of clean teeth. 
Also, parents should make sure that their children are eating regular healthy meals.  It may be a hassle to get them to swallow broccoli, or worst of all brussel sprouts, but just let them know they can continue eating candy afterwards and they will be sure to bite, chew, swallow the whole plate of vegetables in record time.  
Some parents may read this and cringe at the very thought of letting their children consume so much sugar, but I have to ask why?
There is little harm to be done by letting any child indulge in sugar.  The worst that can happen is that they get a sugar high, oh yes a sugar high!  And in result run around for an hour or sometimes two.  But then sweet sound to your ears, silence, you will find them passed out in a random place.  Quiet at last! 
Another possible outcome when children indulge in so much candy is that they get themselves sick.  Sure as a parent it may be difficult to take care of them and clean up the mess but more than likely they will not want to have candy anytime soon.  It is a self-taught lesson, and the experimental candy involved was free, which is even better since the cost did not come out of your pocket.
As a year round consumer of all things chocolate and candy, especially MnM's and Almond Joys, I am all for letting children splurging this time of the year! Let the sugar highs begin!

Monday, October 25, 2010

College Students Failing Financially

There is no doubt that attending college is extremely expensive.  Between tuition, books, supplies, transportation, and all living costs it leaves students' pockets dry.  The all known phrase "starving-college-student" is not so much an exaggeration as it is a reality. 

Today, to make ends meets college students are racking up credit card balances higher than what they can actually afford to pay off.   I, of course, am no exception. 

According to the United States General Accounting Office 2001 "Report to Congressional Requesters", the average college student had one or two credit cards.  Also, the average balance of credit was $1000 to $2000. 

Personally, let's just say that I like to be above average.  I have a total of four credit cards.  Well, make that three because literally just two days ago I paid off one account I had used to buy a computer.  And even though I was tempted to use the account to buy something else, I gained the courage and closed it, forever.  For most college students that is an accomplishment to be proud of.  Now if I can only pay off the other three accounts. With a total debt of $2650, it seems impossible but I have learned my lesson the hard way and I know that it is better to pay off credit card debts than it is to add to it. 

The reason why I opened credit accounts was because as a first generation college student money is sparse, and my family does what they can but it is not much.  Without credit accounts there would be times I would have had to skip a meal, or I would not have been be able to put gas in my car to drive to school.  Unfortunately, I did not learn until it was too late that I should have only used my credit cards for such necessary purposes.  Instead, I used my credit cards to supplement my shoe addiction and other completely irrational purchases. 

I cannot help, as I am sure that other students cannot either, that I love material things.  But I should have been able to help how much material things I was purchasing and how I was paying for such things. 

I do not think that college students having credit cards the problem.  However, I do think that college students not knowing how to properly use credit is the bigger issue that needs to be taken care of.  High school students and even college students would be lucky to learn about credit from either a school institution or even their own parents. 

Just like there is Sex Ed., there should be "Credit Ed.".  A program that would educate students early on about what credit is, how to use it, what are the advantages and disadvantages, and how it can hurt them if used inappropriately.  This could possibly change the financial future of many college students. 

Fortunately, the government has taken one step to help college students and credit debt.  In February 2010 a law was passed that provides some protection for students against credit card companies.  To read more about the law and college students with credit card debt go to

Sadly though, in this generation where credit is interpreted as spend, spend, and spend college students everywhere are receiving F's in the world of personal finance.

A Priofile of Minjeong Kang

Teaching is said to be one the most rewarding jobs, and for Dr. Minjeong Kang that does not fail. 
There have been times when she questioned whether teaching was what she was meant to do.  There have been times when she has been discouraged and felt unappreciated.  However, teaching for Kang is still rewarding even when she can’t please every student and has received “super mean” and even humiliating comments from students. 
“I am fascinated to be in a position to help college students become professionals in an industry that I love,” said Kang.  She said she truly admires her students and really makes an effort to help each one.
 “She’s a great professor, and really tries to push us to our full potential not only in academics but in our lives as well,” said her student Pablo Mendoza, 23, Apparel Marketing and Design, CSUS. 
 When Kang is not teaching or working, she loves to go dancing.  Ballet, Ballroom, and Salsa: Kang loves it all.  Another hobby of Kang’s is to sing.  She especially enjoys singing to cheesy love songs.
In the last two years though, she has been so busy adjusting to Sacramento and her job as Assistant Professor and Faculty Advisor that she has not been out on the town.  As soon as possible, she would love to revisit her hobbies.   
Kang was born on August 20th, but refused to state her age, or even the year of her birth.  However, she does appear youthful with her bright brown eyes and long, dark, wavy hair.  In class Kang is often over-looked because she blends in with her students.   
 Her voice is soft and low, and she has a tendency to be shy. However, Kang is hard-working, confident and strong, putting all her passion into teaching.  One example of her strengths is her ability to wear heels all day, every day; not just any woman can accomplish this.             
Kang was born to Daemin Kang and Sookhee Heo in Busan, South Korea.  She speaks her native language Korean and was taught to speak English in middle school which is a requirement for students in Korea.
A defining moment in her life was during summer vacation after her first year of high school when she realized her career goal and dream of working in the fashion industry while discussing it with her parents.  She later attended Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul, Korea and graduated in 2002 with B.A. in Clothing and Textiles.
She earned her M.S. and PhD in Design, Housing and Apparel at University of Minnesota in St. Paul, Minnesota.  A PhD earned in America is viewed as highly prestigious in South Korea so Kang moved across the Atlantic Ocean in order to do so.
Kang’s original goal was to earn her PhD here in the United States then return to South Korea and teach there.  But, when she graduated from University of Minnesota in 2008 there was an opportunity here at CSU Sacramento. 
“After 5 years studying here, I didn’t want to leave America,” said Dr. Kang. 
Kang’s first job, during college, was as a part time visual merchandiser in South Korea to financially help her parents.  During her last year at Ewha Kang was a clothing designer and continued this for a year and a half.  Now she has her teaching position at CSU Sacramento. 
While she is currently single, Kang does hope to soon be married, but will not say if she has a boyfriend or not.  Ideally in the future she would love to have two children, one boy and one girl she says. 
Kang has also done research in post-purchase consumer behavior, mood regulatory consumption, retail environments, customer loyalty, as well as social psychological aspects of dress.  The classes she teaches at CSU Sacramento include History of Fashion, Quality Analysis of Apparel, and Fashion Illustration.
Kang said she does not want to lose or give up her teaching position but she would love to make the time to either design for another company, or ideally design for her own line of clothing.  Sometime in the future, not sure exactly when but eventually, Kang would love to design again. 
One of her inspirations for designing is so she can share her experience and knowledge with her students to help them learn about the industry. 
Kang wants her students to realize that they are in “a lot better position to be more competitive professionals because they don’t have to spend so much time and money learning English.”  She further went on to say that if she did not have to spend so much money and time on learning English she probably could have went to a school like Stanford

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meghan Daum

Meghan Daum's, author and columnist, writings are as minty and refreshing as her favorite ice cream, Mint Chocolate Chip.  While she feels she either has 100 jobs or no job, she has become a sensation among many readers during her writing career. 
Though born in California 1970, Daum was raised on the east side Ridgewood, New Jersey. Daum has a writing style that is comprehendible and relatable. 
As a little girl Daum realized her dream of becoming a New York writer, and that dream was later acquired when she landed an entry level job at a magazine in New York.  
As a Vassar College graduate, she soon quit that job and took out thousands in student loans to attend the MFA writing program at Columbia University's School of Arts. 
After being thousands of dollars in debt and making little compared to the high cost of living in Manhattan, Daum said goodbye to her New Yorker dream and left for the prairies of Lincoln. Nebraska.  Soon following the move in 1999 her first book was published, "My Misspent Youth."  It was an essay collection about her experience with debt.  Daum has said that an essay to her is "an outward inquiry, it's trying to figure out a problem."
In 2003, Daum was ready to move on to bigger things and moved even further across the continent to Los Angeles, California.  She currently still lives there with her husband Alan Zarembo and beloved Sheppard dog Rex.  Daum takes Rex practically everywhere and states "I love him disproportionately to what's probably appropriate,' in "Getting to Know: Meghan Daum" by Teresa Ferrel. 
Since 2005 Daum has been a weekly columnist for the LA Times.  She is typically assigned to write on "fresh" and "timely" topics but writes about things that she is interested in including topics such as social politics, class identity issues, and certain gender issues.  A couple of headlines featured last year are "Doomed by Your Name?" and "Happiness is in Your Mind-and Wallet."
"Writing for a newspaper has been the most satisfying experience," she told Kolhatkar from New York Observer, November 2005. 
Daum's method for writing is to take her life's experiences of American culture and remark on its effects.  In fact she insists to Hillary Frey from Newsday that her second book, and first novel, "The Quality of Life Report" was only "32.9 percent autobiographical," said Daum on her website.  
"I knew nothing about fashion.  I had no interest in it," said Daum.
Ironically during the course of Daum's career she has written for numerous publications, including fashion magazines.   She has written for Allure, The New Yorker, Harper's Bazaar, GQ, Self, Vogue, New York, Travel and Leisure, Blackbook, The Village Voice, and the New York Times Review.  She has also written for the website Beliefnel.
Besides writing Daum has taught at various institutions including the California Institute for the Arts. 
Not only has her work been in college textbooks, Daum has been the subject of columns featured in New York Observer, The New York Times, and Blackbook.  And of course, she has also been on Oprah. 
Daum's latest book was released this year, "Life would be Perfect if I Lived in that House."  It is about her search for the right house for the right price in L.A.  While currently settled in L.A. Daum's ideal situation would be to also have a farm in Nebraska and an apartment in New York. 
All archives from LA Times and more information about Meghan Daum are available on

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dusty Shelves No More

One of the latest trends coming out of the current recession is outsourcing.  For instance, a private company in Maryland is taking over libraries across the country, including in California.  With success this private company, Library Systems and Services, have become the fifth-largest library system in the United States.  The question now is whether this will be the new model for all libraries or is privatizing libraries a temporary trend in response to economic desperation.

                Personally, it has been years since I have entered a community library.  My memories are not fond of the dull experience the library had to offer.  However, presently things may be different.  The only other things I remember about community libraries were that there were tables and chairs, and countless, neglected, dusty shelves of books.  Also, to rent a book there was a one-time fee of fifty cents for a library card that had your name and address. 

                In some hopes and dreams, Libraries might have more to offer to the public by being run by a private company such as Library Systems and Services, such as cleaner shelves.  So what if individuals had to pay out of pocket for their library experience; they would probably appreciate the experience much more. 

                Furthermore, paid tax dollars support libraries, so in a sense, the public currently does pay out of pocket for community libraries, and even those who do not even visit the library pay for it.  If libraries were run by a private company only the people who had a desire or need to go to a local library would pay for it.

 Financially, this could also help the state budget, because it is one less program that needs funding.  Also, as a private company that means they would have to pay taxes as well.   

Yes it is a risk, a very small risk.  On the other hand it could succeed enormously and the public and state will be able to reap the benefits.    In the best case, privatizing public libraries could be so successful that there is a large profit margin.  As a result this could create more jobs.  With nearly a 13% unemployment rate in California it would slightly insane to pass up an opportunity such as this.

“There is no evidence that outsourcing per se has had a negative impact on library services and management. On the contrary, in the main outsourcing has been an effective managerial tool, and when used carefully and judiciously it has resulted in enhanced library services and improved library management” concluded Robert S. Martin, Ph.D., in “The Impact of Outsourcing and Privatization on Library Services and Management: A Study for the American Library Association.”

Privatizing libraries might be reducing the all-American, community feeling that libraries once were.  But it is now the 21st century and change is happening, and it is good.  What use to work then does not mean it works now and that can be said to more than just our libraries.     

                Personally, when I think of public libraries I imagine grungy old books, dusty shelves, and a librarian that should have retired years ago.  The idea of having a library run by a private company entices me to go and hang out at a library and read a book. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Playing on the safe Side

Only 35% of American women depend on a contraceptive, such as the birth control pill, instead of or in addition to condoms (yes those dreadful, inconvenient little rubbers) or other preventive methods.  Taking contraceptives is not absolutely necessary in preventing pregnancy. However, young adults and college woman are told that it is too risky to have sex without using contraceptives.  Even though I agree that contraceptives are not 100% necessary I have learned the hard way that it is better to play safe the hard way. 

I had one sexual partner for three years, and I refused to "consume hormones" as I once put it.  I took risks and I could have cared less.  I did not use a preventive method and after three years of not getting pregnant I did not see any reason to start taking birth control regardless what people told me. 

The about a year ago reality struck.  A positive pregnancy test meant my world was going to change, and it did.  Ten weeks later I did have an abortion. Because one, the relationship I was in was falling apart, and two, at 20 I was in no way ready to be a mother. 

Now, despite all my earlier immature thinking about birth control and other contraceptives, I have alarms and reminders to swallow that little blue pill every day.  And I encourage other women that are not using it to start.   

Two other girls, Danielle Stoir, 20, and Jackie Hobbs, 21, and I often invade the house in which all of our boyfriends are roommates.  The conversations that take place are sometimes personal, and I have asked about the methods they are practicing. 

Hobbs swears by two forms of methods at all times.  As she puts it she will not have sex unless there are two forms of preventive methods, most commonly the pill and a condom.  However, this can be a little over the top. 

The pill alone only gives her less than 1% chance of getting pregnant.  The only time a back up method is suggested is when a female is beginning to use birth control for the first time, or if they forgot to take a pill.  Even after hearing these facts, she still insists on her "two rule."  Whatever works for her works for her.     

There is no need to over think birth control.  Now days, it can take more effort for women to become pregnant than it does for to prevent it.  On the other hand Stoir has not used any contraception method.   Stoir did say though that she wants to but fears going to a clinic.  As a friend I told her that I would go with her and it is not as scary as she thinks.  There is no reason for her not to take birth control, and therefore she should even if it only raises the chance of her not getting pregnant slightly.

Plus there are benefits other than preventing pregnancies that come with taking the pill.  These include regulation of your period, lighter periods, and less cramps.  It also has a positive effect on PMMD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), or also known as PMS, symptoms, which is a great thing for the people around us. 

So even though it is not necessary any sexually active female should play on the safe side and take advantage of what contraceptives have to offer.

How-to Change a Flat Tire

Even if you always change your tires on a regular basis, and avoid glass and sharp objects on the road, just do not say that it will not happen to you.  Statistics show that an average person will have a flat tire about 5 times in their life.  Knowing how to change it is not only proof of your self-sufficiency, but a skill every man and woman should acquire.    
First, it is a must to ensure you have everything for such an emergency.

The spare tire is the most important.  Most cars already have one, but if it is a used car check and see if it is still there and in good condition.  Find the designated area for the spare tire in the driver’s manual of the car.  A proper spare tire is well inflated; the tire pressure of the spare should be checked monthly.    
A lug wrench and a jack are also needed.  There are three options for jacks, the scissor jack, hydraulic jack, and the trolley jack.  The scissor jacks are most common in cars and are hand operated.  The hydraulic and trolley jacks are great for cars weighing over 2 tons. 

The next few items are optional but will make changing the tire easier: a flashlight, to see in the dark, tire blocks, gloves, and a tarp. 

Pull the car safely to the side of the road and out of traffic’s harm.  Turn on the hazard lights to warn other drivers. 

Now pull out the tools and spare tire.  Before changing the tire, place tire blocks beside the tire opposite to the one that is flat to keep the car from rolling. 

Next step is to remove the hub cap, not all cars have them. Grab each side and pull away from the tire and towards you. 

Then grab the lug wrench and loosen the lug nuts (remember “lefty loosey, righty tighty”). This may be a tough task so feel free to your entire body weight by stepping on the lug wrench. Don’t remove them yet. 

Now it is time to jack up the car.  Read the driver’s manual and find out where the proper place is to put the jack.  Then place it there and raise the jack until it hits the frame of the car.  Ensure placement, then continue raising the jack until the tire is about 6 inches off the ground. 

Take off the lug nuts now, and place them in a safe spot.  Pull the tire straight towards you to take it off. 

Now place the spare tire and lug nuts on, do not tighten them yet.  Lower the jack.  Do this slowly so the car does not hit the ground abruptly and cause damage. 

Next take the lug wrench and tighten the lug nuts.  The proper way to do this is to start with one and then go to the opposite one.  Most cars have 5 lug nuts and the trick is the 5 point star pattern to tighten them.  The reason for this is to make sure the tire is on even and balanced. 

Before driving off, put the flat tire and the tools in the trunk. Make sure not to leave anything behind.  Now pull the gloves off and give yourself a pat on the back and pull safely back into traffic.  The spare tire is meant to last up to 50 miles at a 50 mph speed.  The next stop should be the nearest tire shop.   

Every situation is different, such as where and when the flat tire occurs.  So be cautious and use the best judgment as possible.  If unable to change the tire alone call a towing company for help.  Do not accept help from strangers because it puts your safety and the car at risk. 
One the most reliable towing and road side service company is AAA.  The service is free when you pay an annual fee to become a member.
Safe Driving.     

Sunday, September 19, 2010

trick or treat?

In classrooms, in halls, and even off-campus, there is chatter about the upcoming holiday Halloween. One event that sparked the classic trick-or-treat behavior among California State University of Sacramento students was the University Union’s eleventh annual Phlagleblast. 

Perhaps you are wondering what the Phlagleblast is. The Phlagleblast is an event to get students acquainted with the University Union and all of the services it provides. Each of the 23 stations represented a service available to students in the Union. 

Anyways, on Halloween the act of trick-or-treating is rewarded with candy and sometimes other small prizes. Among college students trick-or-treating has changed to knocking on doors to party-hopping for free booze and good time. Either way it is a winning situation for all especially for low-budget college students that cannot afford to add candy and alcohol to their budget. 

Furthermore, another part of Halloween that students chatter about is costumes, and therefore themes. The Phlagleblast did not hesitate to have a theme and some offices in the Union went all out for the jungle theme. The third of the Union was the most extravagant with animal print scarves, a cardboard jeep around a desk, and to please the ears a CD playing sounds of the jungle all complete with rain and tiger roars. If students hung around long enough there was even a man who dressed up as a lion with a lion’s mane on. Talk about being early for Halloween.

However, the Phlagleblast was not intentionally to be like Halloween at all, but it just so happened to be a Halloween spirited event that was a winning situation for Sac State students. With a total of 23 stations set up along the three floor of the University Union, or commonly referred to as the Union, students walked around to each one to get a stamp as well as free stuff.

As for the services that were represented at the stations I could not tell you much. However, I could tell you about the goodies that filled my pocket as I was similarly trick-or-treating through all three floors of the Union. One of my favorites included a Charms loli-pop, and of course what college student could resist a new highlighter?

The biggest treat was rewarded to those students who managed to journey through all three floors and get the complete set of 23 stamps. The choice was either a T-shirt or a student planner. Even more so, just to bribe a large amount of students to complete this tedious task each completed stamp-card was entered in a drawing to win grand prizes. These grand prizes included an I-pad, a X-box 360, a tent, and a few others that most college students could not even imagine purchasing with what little budgets we have. 

The pens, Post-it book flags, highlighter, and loli-pop, or treats, all worked well for encouraging students to complete the journey through the Union’s jungle. But the question that remains unanswered is whether or not students will return to take advantage of the 23 services. 

As for me, even though my student fees pay for these services I doubt I will spend any more time in the Union that I normally do. Just like Halloween I enjoy the treats that come that day but I do not celebrate all year long. 

To see a slideshow of the University Union’s eleventh annual Phlagleblast event go to:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Its an Emergency

Regardless of the risks of getting pregnant or even getting a sexually transmitted disease many college students and others in all age groups particpate in unprotected sexual intercourse.  Unfortunately, this has led to one third of woman between the ages of 18 and 24 that attend a 4-year institution getting pregnant. 

However, thanks to emergency contraceptives, the number of unintended births has declined steadily in the last decade. 
Emergency contraceptives are hormonal based product that are able to prevent pregnancies up to 5 days after unprotected sex.  There are two forms of the contraceptive available to woman.  The most common form is the pill, which is also known as the "morning after" pill, and it is taken orally right after unprotected intercourse.

Emergency contraceptives were designed not as a birth control method but to prevent possible pregnancies.  Reasons to take an emergency contraceptive include if a condom broke during sex, or if  regular birth control was not taken, or forgotten, around the time of sexual intercourse.     

The second form of emergency contraceptives available to woman is the Copper-T intrauterine device.  This device can be instered by a doctor or trained clinician and is more effective than the pill.  It reduces the risk of becoming pregnant by 99%.  Another advantage of having the Copper-T device inserted is that it can be left in for up to ten years and can be used as a regular birth control. 

Emergency contraceptives are easily accessible and affordable.  On average the cost is $10 to $70.  They can be purchased from numerous places, including local Planned Parenthood facilities.  At these facilities they try to keep costs down to a minimum for woman and sometimes contraceptives can be purchased cheaper than the average cost.  Other places that have the "morning after" pill for purchase are local drug stores, and to students, Sac State's health center. 

Some have said that woman are becoming too dependent on emergency contraceptives as a birth control method.  There are even numerous women that take the emergency contraceptive even though more than likely they would not have become pregnant.  Overall it is best to be safe than sorry. 

However, if this form of pregnancy prevention was not available there would be many more people that would have children that they did not plan for and therefore not ready for.  Also, accidents happen and emergency contraceptives serve their purpose as pregnancy prevention.  This does not mean that people should not deal with consequences of their actions but that they should be careful and understand that sexual intercourse is a serious matter.   

Regardless of how easy it is use emergency contraceptives as a last-minute prevention to pregnancy woman should know that it should not be used as alternative to regular birth control.  It is called "emergency" contraceptives for a reason.  Also, using an external form of birth control such as a condom is still important because emergency contraceptives are not as effective in pregnancy prevention, nor do they protect against STDs. 

Crowded Saturday Disaster

First thing Sunday morning at the Streets of London Pub located in midtown Sacramento 4 people were shot, one resulting in a death.  Victor Hugo Perez Zavala, 24, was one of the thousands of people attending Second Saturday, a community event for midtown art viewers and galleries, and sadly someone took his life about 12:13a.m.

This out of ordinary crime is unexplained, but has managed to stir conversation across the Sacramento region.  The largest debate is about whether or not Second Saturday should be continued.

Midtown neighbors are unhappy about the recent dynamic of Second Saturday.  the event was originally created to drawn in art viewers to the galleries, and was a quiet event.  Now the event draws over 10,000 people even though the art galleries doors close at ten crowds still continue to loiter the streets and reek havoc at the nearby nightclubs and bars.

It must not be overlooked that with any event this large crowd control is a difficult and necessary task.  Organizers of Second Saturday understood this and even paid to have 5 extra police forces.   The event organizers and merchant participants are doing what they can to patrol this large event.

Nonetheless, the merchants are still frustrated with the large crowds because it has also become their problem.  Shoplifting in local stores increases during Second Saturday due to the large crowd.

Even though they would like to close their doors during this event they can not afford to pass on an estimated 1,000 customers.  During this national recession any business is appreciated by these merchants.   Second Saturday draws in new customers to the local stores and has a huge business impact in all of midtown area.

If anything Second Saturday may need tighter patrol and guidelines in businesses and on the streets, but it should not be taken away from Sacramento citizens.  It is one of the few events left that create that midtown feeling and without it Sacramento and midtowns businesses will suffer.

Perhaps one solution would be to hold Second Saturday on a different day, or earlier in the day.  Saturday night, as well as Friday, are popular nights for people to go out to the clubs and bars, such as Streets of London.  However, if the Second Saturday event was held on a Sunday early afternoon, it would attract a different crowd of people and get rid of the crowd that are causing the problems. 

Nevertheless, an event such as Second Saturday, is vital to our community and to our local businesses, and as a community we should support the event regardless of what a couple people have done. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome Back!

After a three month Summer break I am more than happier to welcome Fall 2010 classes at CSU Sacramento!  By the end of July I had already felt the loss of brain cells, and I am pleased to know I can start gaining them back.  Even though this week has been rough with impossible parking, waitlisted classes and too-early-in-the-morning classes, I could not be more excited to open books, exercise my writing, and most importantly practice my drawing. 

FACS 133, Creative Principles of Design, is the one class I have been looking forward to taking.  Unfortunately, this is the one class that I happen to be on the waitlist.  It is a shame too because this class is the only class for my major, Apparel Marketing and Design, that I have a chance in getting into.  The other four classes that I am enrolled in are for my minor, Journalism.  So, I am crossing my fingers for good news bright and early Wednesday morning.

Not only do I want to take this class because I have a passion in the subject, but it will allow me to drop my dreadful 7:30 a.m. class.  Truth is that early in the morning my brain just does not function, especially considering all summer I was crawling into bed at 4 a.m. So I am on my hands and knees praying that by some miracle I will be added into the FACS class, that way I can still fulfill my full-time requirements for financial aid, a blessing that I could not do without.  

Another exciting factor of the first week of classes has been the parking.  First, I must complain about the $156 for the parking permit; as if rising our tuition and the cost of books are not enough.  Sometimes I feel like it is expected that students have money dropping out of their pockets because they are just too full.  Last time I checked, my pockets were empty. 

To continue my small rant about Sac State's parking situation, the first week just also happens to be the week that two of the parking lots on campus are under construction giving students less options.  I have heard so many stories about students driving around for 30 minutes before they were able to park their car.  Fortunately, I only had to do that once this week.  I have been lucky to find parking quickly.  Nevertheless, I was late three days in a row because I underestimated the time it took to get to campus that early in the morning.  All summer my mornings did not start until the afternoon and I neglected the fact that because of morning traffic it is takes longer than usual to get anywhere. 

Furthermore, with three Journalism classes in my schedule, Column Writing, Magazine Writing, and Online Publishing, it has been quite a task not confusing assignments and due dates between them.  Of course I did fail at this, and missed one due date, but I suppose it is better to learn sooner than later.  Perhaps this mistake will help me not to make it again.  Otherwise this may be a very long semester. 

Overall, even though this first week back has been difficult because I have had to completely change my schedule, I am looking forward to learning.  The way I look at it is that I have already finished one week and there is only fifteen more weeks until I can get right back to letting my brain cells slip away.